Pharma companies accounted for 69% of drug safety vacancies in EU27 with a year on year growth of 18% since 2017 Vacancysoft
Pharma companies accounted for 69% of drug safety vacancies in EU27 with a year on year growth of 18% since 2017 Vacancysoft
Drug Safety Forensics is the sexy word for Medico-Legal Scenarios, Specific to Drug related Injuries. It is an emerging field of drug safety that's getting more defined as time goes by. Pharma companies and Drs' Practices are so focused on revenue generation and not focused on areas of Drug Injury liabilities (Regulatory and Legal), in fact the average physician in clinical practice is not knowledged up in this field and the average Pharma believes it can dodge these things at Trial. However consider that a Major Pharma company paid $3 Billion USD in fines for simply not reporting Drug Adverse events and many more pay 100s of Millions of Dollars as fines.
This is not AN AUDIT, this is guidance on ensuring that your safety practices are adequate and well defined. This is also helps define your case/claim if you have one.
As the Pathologist is the medical/legal diagnostic of disease and patient care, The Experienced Drug Safety Physician is the "Pathologist"in the Pharmaceutical Industry. This is experience borne out of strategic Safety principles and application using the 5 pillars of Safety assessments (this is greater than signal detection) and communication. These are consistent practices across the world.
Contact me to know more.
Highly experienced in Pharmacovigilance area with 4.3 years of experience, well versed with validated Safety Database ARISg and Oracle ARGUS Safety
What would you consider the most pressing issue in pharmaceutical companies this year with regards to safety and toxicology?