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  • Conversation: EU aims to vaccinate 40% of population in initial COVID-19 blueprint

    • August 27, 2020 7:20 PM BST
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      EU aims to vaccinate 40% of population in initial COVID-19 blueprint

      The European Union, Britain and other EU partners have agreed on a blueprint that plans to vaccinate 40% of their populations against COVID-19.
      This target is double the goal set by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has laid out plans to initially buy enough vaccines for 20% of the world’s population.
      The WHO’s scheme aims to provide vaccines for groups who are most vulnerable to COVID-19, including health workers and populations of lower-income countries.
      The EU’s blueprint document has identified over 200 million people out of its 450 million strong population as belonging to a ‘priority group’, including those with certain diseases, the elderly and healthcare workers.
      The document stated: 'Adding (up) all risk groups presently known will designate probably 40% of the population, depending on the situation and demography in countries.' The blueprint has been adopted by health experts from a number of EU members states, Britain, Switzerland, Norway and the Balkans.
      Read more:

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