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  • Conversation: EBRD lends US$ 8 million to Mongolian pharmaceutical manufacturer

    • December 15, 2017 12:54 PM GMT
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      EBRD lends US$ 8 million to Mongolian pharmaceutical manufacturer

      The FINANCIAL -- The EBRD is lending US$ 8 million to Monos Holding LLC – a holding company of Monos Group, one of the leading pharmaceutical conglomerates in Mongolia – to help the firm invest in new equipment to expand manufacturing capacity, develop training, and reorganise long-term capital financing to support its wholesale business.
      The five-year loan will enable Monos Group to become more competitive, by supporting the certification of manufacturing capacity and improving employee skills through training. By the end of 2019 the firm aims to secure Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification and to have at least 30 new employees who are trained regularly according to GMP standards.
      The optimisation of the company’s balance sheet will support Monos Group – which is owned by Mr Luvsan Khurelbaatar, a prominent Mongolian businessman, and his wife and two children – in becoming more resilient, according to the EBRD.
      Read more:

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