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  • Conversation: National Brain Tumor Society Launches New Initiative to Prepare Patients for Precision Medicine and Clinical Trial Opportunities

    • January 26, 2018 1:18 PM GMT
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      National Brain Tumor Society Launches New Initiative to Prepare Patients for Precision Medicine and Clinical Trial Opportunities

      Boston, Jan. 25, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS), the largest nonprofit dedicated to the brain tumor community in the United States, today announced the launch of a new patient and care-partner education and preparedness effort. The new initiative will provide those going through the brain tumor medical experience with the information, tools, and guidance needed to play a more active role in their treatment planning and decisions. This effort, including online resources called “The Brain Tumor Experience,” seeks to address gaps in how brain tumor patients and their care-partners obtain and consume information that is vital to receiving personalized care for their diagnosis and at every stage of the brain tumor medical experience.
      “The emotion, confusion, and shock that overwhelms a newly diagnosed brain tumor patient and their loved ones is second-to-none,” said David Arons, chief executive officer at the National Brain Tumor Society. “Thus, we are aiming to educate patients and care-partners on the right questions to ask of their medical team and at the right time of their care. We are also providing the means for patients and their care-partners to explore participating in clinical research early in the course of treatment, so, if appropriate, they can consider enrollment in a well-matched clinical trial.”
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