Sanofi gets serious in China with plans to hire 300 for $76M R&D site in Chengdu
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Several big pharmas have recently shuttered their research operations in China, but Sanofi is apparently buckling down in the region with a new global R&D hub. The company is hiring 300 people in Chengdu, China to run a tech-focused operation that’s meant to speed up analysis of its clinical trials.
Sanofi is investing €66 million ($76.6 million) in the hub and will have it fully staffed by 2020. The R&D center is supposed to support Sanofi’s drug development by managing global multi-center clinical trial data and files. The company says it will “take advantage of local talents” to strengthen Sanofi’s digital capabilities, speeding up trials results.
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Several big pharmas have recently shuttered their research operations in China, but Sanofi is apparently buckling down in the region with a new global R&D hub. The company is hiring 300 people in Chengdu, China to run a tech-focused operation that’s meant to speed up analysis of its clinical trials.
Sanofi is investing €66 million ($76.6 million) in the hub and will have it fully staffed by 2020. The R&D center is supposed to support Sanofi’s drug development by managing global multi-center clinical trial data and files. The company says it will “take advantage of local talents” to strengthen Sanofi’s digital capabilities, speeding up trials results.
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