NICE turns down Darzalex combo for pre-treated multiple myeloma
Janssen says it is disappointed that NHS cost regulators are not backing NHS use of Darzalez (daratumumab) plus bortezomib and dexamethasone (DBd) for previously treated multiple myeloma in adults.
According to Janssen, the decision comes despite the consultation papers highlighting the regimen as an innovative treatment combination, which the firm said boosts overall survival and slashes the risk of death by 50 percent.
However, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence noted that the size of the DBd’s benefit in the long-term is “unclear”, because currently available trial data were collected over a short period of time.
Also, the benefits of DBd compared with alternative therapy carfilzomib plus dexamethasone “are less clear because they haven’t been compared directly in a trial”, according to the draft guidelines.
Should NICE’s decision become final, up to 2,900 eligible patients in England will be unable to access “this much-needed treatment option” after their first relapse on the NHS, Janssen said.
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According to Janssen, the decision comes despite the consultation papers highlighting the regimen as an innovative treatment combination, which the firm said boosts overall survival and slashes the risk of death by 50 percent.
However, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence noted that the size of the DBd’s benefit in the long-term is “unclear”, because currently available trial data were collected over a short period of time.
Also, the benefits of DBd compared with alternative therapy carfilzomib plus dexamethasone “are less clear because they haven’t been compared directly in a trial”, according to the draft guidelines.
Should NICE’s decision become final, up to 2,900 eligible patients in England will be unable to access “this much-needed treatment option” after their first relapse on the NHS, Janssen said.
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