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Biotech Production at Roche in Basel
Posted by PHARMeMED
Posted February 19, 2016 | 1 favorite
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Only a few decades ago the idea of harnessing biotechnology to produce medicines appealed highly fanciful. That is because unlike conventional drug ingredients which were produced by purely chemical methods, biotechnologically produced medicines are much more complex and difficult to manufacture. Today these drugs have become must haves to the treatment of several serious diseases. Biotechnologically produced treatment tools are now available in several disease areas, cancer in particular, representing a beacon of hope for thousands of patients. Roche is the world no 1 in biotechnology. With its Research Development and Production sites gathered across the globe, the Roche Group offers doctors and patients alike a vast range of biopharmaceuticals and diagnostic tests manufactured using biotechnology. One biotechnology production site is located at group headquarters in Basel and is presented in the video.
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